Saturday, October 23, 2010

Save Blue Like Jazz!

Hey Everyone,

I'm sure most of you have read Donald Miller's book "Blue Like Jazz." If You haven't, I'd suggest taking a look. I'm not going to give a full synopsis of the thing here, but I'll just say that Miller writes from a perspective that I think many of us can relate to. His writing is packed with insight into what it means to be a young person struggling with faith and what it means to be a follower of Christ. His writing is anecdotal, theologically provoking, irreverent, and self deprecating all at the same time. This book is a favorite of mine, and a favorite of many. Seriously, if you haven't already, check it out.

Really, though, this post isn't so much about the "Blue Like Jazz" book as it is about the "Blue Like Jazz" movie. Basically, the book has been written up into a screenplay and is ready for production. For a while, things looked hopeful. Then all of a sudden the project crashed because they were not able to find enough investors. Apparently, there aren't a great deal of church institutions and rich Christians out there willing to invest in a movie about Christianity that isn't filled with rainbows and unicorns. Pretty sad, really, because it's not as if the movie needs a lot of cash to be made. There aren't any car chases or blue people in it...

And yet, when all looked grim, a few people started up a campaign to raise money so that the film could be made. What has resulted is that the movie is going to be made because so many random people like you and me have been donating what they can. It's crazy, look at Miller's blog to see the epic story (because he tells it better than me).

Anyway, although the movie is going to be made, the poor guys are running on a ridiculously low budget. So many people believe in this project, though, they are literally working without pay to make this happen.

Now, if this interests you at all, and you want to be a part of making this movie happen, go to THIS SITE and donate some money.

It may seem weird to post a blog telling you to donate money to something, but underneath all of this, I believe, there is a great God working. You see, insightful and creative art and media is one of the last few things we have to show the world that God is good and he loves them deeply. I sincerely believe that Blue Like Jazz is something that can do that. It has been made apparent to many people that God wants this film to be made: this story is actually getting attention on huge news media networks - movie production just doesn't go this way: usually, investment comes from a few rich conglomerates of people, groups, or corporations. With Blue Like Jazz, investments are coming from anywhere and everywhere. This means records are actually being set; rules being broken.

So become a part of something bigger than you. And really, even donating a dollar will help something beautiful become a reality... Save Blue Like Jazz, and maybe save a few lost souls in the process. Here's a video about what's going on, and what needs to happen:


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